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TKA DI 7000

Remaining time
Auction is sold
(Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 14:01:52)
selling price

130,00 EUR

1 Bids
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Shipping conditions
free pick up
Shipping optional with additional fees
Germany, 72417
Details contractor
TKA/Ucon Ionenaustauscher DI 7000. Volumen 50L. Druckfest bis 10 bar. Durchflussleistung 2000l/h. Kapazität bei 10° GSG 7000L. Reinwasserqualität 0,1 - 20µS/cm. Wassertemperatur max. 30°C. Außenmaße HxBxT: 60x36x36cm. Anschluss R3/4''. Nicht regeneriert.
Shipping conditions
free pick up
Shipping optional with additional fees

Payments accepted
Location: Germany, 72417

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