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Mettler Bohdan Miniblock

Remaining time
Auction is sold
(Monday, May 27, 2019 at 16:00:35)
selling price

300,00 EUR

1 Bids
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Shipping conditions
free pick up
Shipping optional with additional fees
Germany, 72417
Details contractor
Mettler Parallel Synthese Station Bohdan Miniblock 2080.180 STRO. 230 V. 50 Hz. 60 W. Kompakte Schüttel- und Waschstation für Mikrotiterplatten. 2 Positionen (red/blue). CE-Kennzeichnung. Mit Julabo Kühl-Thermostat FP 40-MV. 230 V. 50 Hz. 2,9 kW. Kühlmittel R404a. Alarmfunktion. Serielle RS232c-Schnittstelle.
Shipping conditions
free pick up
Shipping optional with additional fees

Payments accepted
Location: Germany, 72417

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